Y Yang, R Paudel, J McShann, M Hindman, H Howie Huang, D Broniatowski, Coordinated link sharing on Facebook, 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2022)
R Paudel, H. Howie Huang, PIKACHU: Temporal Walk Based Dynamic Graph Embedding for Network Anomaly Detection, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS’22)
R Paudel, L Good, D Kaiser, J Gannod, and W Eberle, Visualization of Anomalies using Graph-Based Anomaly Detection, The Thirty Fourth International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-34)
R Paudel and W Eberle, SNAPSKETCH: : Graph Representation Approach for Intrusion Detection in a Streaming Graph, 16th International Workshop on Mining and Learning
with Graphs
R Paudel and W Eberle, An Approach For Concept Drift Detection in a Graph Stream Using Discriminative Subgraphs. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
R Paudel, SNAPSKETCH: Network Representation Approach for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Network. RSA Security Conference 2020
R Paudel, Timothy Muncy, and W Eberle, Detecting DoS Attack in Smart Home IoT Devices Using a Graph-Based Approach. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
R Paudel, P Kandel, W Eberle
(2019) Detecting Spam Tweets in Trending Topics using Graph-Based Approach. The Future Technology Conference-2019.
R Paudel, P Harlan, W Eberle
(2019) Detecting the Onset of a Network Layer DoS Attack with a Graph-Based Approach. Proceedings of The Thirty-Second International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-32)
R Paudel, and W Eberle
(2019) An Approach For Concept Drift Detection in a Graph Stream
Using a Discriminative Subgraph. Proceedings of Student Research and Creative Inquiry
R Paudel, W Eberle, LB Holder
(2018) Anomaly Detection of Elderly Patient Activities in Smart Homes using a Graph-Based Approach. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Data Science
R Paudel, K Dunn, W Eberle, D Chaung
(2018) Cognitive Health Prediction on the Elderly Using Sensor Data in Smart Homes. Proceedings of The Thirty-First International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-31)
R Paudel, J Park, W Eberle
(2018) Mining Heterogeneous Graph for Patterns and Anomalies. Proceedings of Student Research and Creative Inquiry
R Paudel, W Eberle, D Talbert
(2017) Detection of Anomalous Activity in Diabetic Patients Using Graph-Based Approach. Proceedings of The Thirtieth International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-30)
R Paudel and W Eberle (2014) Mining Twitter Network for Interaction Patterns. In Proceedings of Student Research and Creative Inquiry